Friday, March 12, 2010

Most common Causes of Prostate Cancer

There is no exact cause for the disease of prostate cancer. But the most commonly observed are old age, hormonal effects, inheritance, infections because of toxins and chemicals. Those who are under 40 are less have a tendency to prostate cancer, but people who are above 80 are more prone. Approximately 70-80% of the population in this age group is identified to be affected by this cancer.

Inheritance plays a main role in causing the cancer of prostate. The kind of food consumed or the environment are similarly responsible too for causing prostate cancer. It is more widespread in individuals who already have members infected in the family.

As concerns hormones, the male hormone which is named as testosterone is in charge for the abnormal enlargement of the prostate tissue and prostate cancer cells. It is supposed to be immediately involved in causing and scattering of prostate cancer.

While in relation to the diet or the environment, those who frequently smoke or consume tobacco or who consume food which is high in fats, have a greater risk of suffering prostate cancer. Other causes which are in charge for causing cancer are exposure to sunlight, viruses, consumption of alcohol, obesity, radiations, bacteria, and lack of physical activity.

With regard to diet, consuming of food which is low in fat, meat or dairy products or consumption of less fried, smoked, salty, an increased fiber intake, charred, pickled or grilled food, could assist in preventing cancer. Keep away from consumption of tobacco, exercising regularly, avoiding obesity or even consuming less alcohol and sweets could be of assistance to prevent prostate cancer.

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