Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Popular Natural Cures of Prostate Cancer and Its Effectiveness

Natural therapies for curing prostate cancer frequently include several treatments, including herbal remedies, minerals, natural vitamins, or dietary supplements. Other treatments consist of massage, homeopathy, acupuncture, and magnetic therapy.

A good number of natural treatments are applied along with a medical treatment plan. They are not intended as a comprehensive cure for prostate cancer. The efficacy of natural remedies is under dispute, a lot of patients maintain that these treatments have been helpful for them, while a lot of medical practitioners state that they are not much use and lead to patients to have false expectation.

Homeopathy is a popular natural therapy that runs on the principal that substances that could make normally well people ill could have the opposite effect on patients who are already ill if the doses of the substance are very small.

There have also been studies performed for the efficacy of magnetic therapy to assist with the cure of prostate cancer. It is said that the north pole of the magnets could help in slowing down the enlargement of a tumor.

As a complimentary treatment, acupuncture and massage are frequently suggested for the sufferers of prostate cancer. Appropriate massage will make the patient feel more comfortable and able to cope better with stress. The both are extensively recognized as complimentary treatments rather than alternative cures for sufferers of the disease. Doctors frequently recommend that a patient make use of these treatments to aid them deal with their condition.

It is significant that patients ensure to inform their doctor concerning any natural remedies or therapies that they are thinking of using before beginning them. Even herbal remedies could have a reaction to a number of treatments that are already being utilized to deal with prostate cancer.

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