Thursday, March 18, 2010

Therapy of Prostate Cancer with Androgen Deprivation

Hormonal therapy is also recognized as the androgen deprivation therapy and sometimes named the androgen suspension therapy. The aim of this therapy is to reduce the male hormonal levels, named the androgen from the body. The main androgens are the testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Androgens are primarily created in testicles that stimulate cancerous cells to develop. The lowering of the androgen levels could make the prostate cancerous cells cease to exist or develops more slowly. On the other hand, hormone therapy was not able to treat the prostate cancer.

Two conditions which Hormone Therapy can be made use of:

When you did not undertakes surgery or radiation or you have gone through these therapies but have not been cured by the treatment since the cancer had spread away from the prostate glands; When the cancer stays or recurs subsequent to the treatment of radiation therapy or surgery.

Some types of the hormone therapy

Orchiectomy or surgical castration. In this surgery, the surgeon will get rid of the testicles in which 90% of androgen are made, generally are the testosterone. Most of the prostate cancers will end developing or will get smaller in no time when the supply is removed.

LHRH analogs or LHRH agonist - (Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone). This treatment is more costly and requires continual visits to the doctor. Many men choose this alternative over orchiectomy. These are the drug that lesser the amount of testosterone that was produced by testicles. The treatment employing these drugs is occasionally named chemical castration because it can lower the androgen levels such as orchiectomy.

LHRH antagonists - (Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone). The Abarelix (Plenaxis) is a novel sort of drug identified as the LHRH antagonist. It acts like LHRH agonists, though it is materialize to reduce testosterone levels extra rapidly in addition to it never leads to tumor flare unlike LHRH agonist does.

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