Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer Happening to You

Symptoms to try to find are a need to urinate recurrently, particularly at night, weak or interrupted flow of urine, difficulty in having an erection, blood in urine or semen, difficulty beginning urination or holding back urine, painful or burning while urinating, painful ejaculation, recurrent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

Prostate cancer, the most widespread cancer in men, benign pro static hyperplasia (BPH), also recognized as growth of the prostate, one of the most general benign tumors in men and prostatitis, a painful inflammation of the prostate and the most common cause of urinary tract infections in men.

If you have any of the above symptoms in that case get straight to your GP for a physical test to check for enlarged prostate gland, after that sends you off for a blood test to check PSA levels. He employs rubber gloves and lubrication and it does not hurt hence don't be a Girlie Man, get in and do it, although you have none of the above symptoms but are getting on in years just do it for your own peace of mind.

Now if you discover that you suffer an enlarged prostate and just need to manage the condition, in that case the most effective completely natural remedy that I have found that runs efficiently is a product called "prostate eze max". The position of the prostate gland is alongside the rectum and this denotes that any build up of waste fecal matter will effect on the gland and enhance the level of discomfort. It makes sense to keep the rectum empty and clean at all times and not only for enlarged prostrate sufferers.

I consider that bowel and prostrate cancers form, in consequence of built up overdue fecal matter living in the rectum for far too long, leaching toxins into your body. Add to this the modern foods we eat planned generally around the TV commercials, which is far removed from the kind of foods that we humans were designed to consume.

The solitary most significant thing in your life is your inner health and that translates down to what you put into your mouth, what comes out the bottom end and how long this process takes. Carrying around an upsurge of waste matter in your body could be poisoning your whole system. I think this to be the major cause of bowel and prostate cancers forming.

Therefore it makes good sense keeping the lower bowel empty at all times. There are one off de-tox programs around to clear the intestinal track but this is simply a short term fix. The best method to control your inner health is to begin analyzing what you eat and I don't mean go on a diet.

Begin with a visit to a Naturopath who will test you for food allergies. You might like certain foods but your body dislikes them for the reason that it binds you up and slows the elimination process. You require to research an eating pattern that is kind to your body at the same time pleases your taste buds. There is no point altering to a diet that is not pleasing to your taste buds since you will not stay true to it.

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