Friday, February 26, 2010

Slow Down Many Risks of Prostate Cancer with Certain Foods

No one wants to get cancer. We all must be conscious of what the risk factors are for certain cancers. If you feel that you are at a higher risk for a specific kind of cancer you ought to become aware of what factors have a tendency to increase the possibility that you will develop the disease. For example, that prostate cancer runs in your family. You must know that there are a lot of different factors that raise your risk, particularly because there are a number of factors that you have control over.

There are a number of main factors that you do not have control over. One of those factors is your age. Men over the age of 50 have a higher possibility of being identified with this cancer.

Race is another factor that you could not control. Cancer of prostate is 60 percent more widespread among African-American men than amongst Caucasian men. You definitely have an increased risk of developing the prostate cancer yourself If you have a family history of this disease. Even though, just since a relative has prostate cancer, it doesn't signify that you necessarily will get it too. Sometimes the cancer is simply sporadic, indicating that it could develop in one male relative, but not another.

The one risk factor that you could absolutely change is your diet. Diets that are high in fat are in general unhealthy and can cause lots of other health problems. These health problems contain a greater risk for prostate cancer.

There are foods that you could eat that researchers recommend will aid to inhibit the enlargement of this disease. We have all been told that a diet high in fiber could assist decrease cholesterol, but it can slow the progression of prostate cancer as well. Soy protein, vitamin E and selenium have been proven to slow down tumor growth too in laboratory studies. Another super food that you ought to add in into your diet is the tomato.

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